Friday, July 20, 2012

Creation's Journey to Life: Day 97: The Holy Spirit is IN Me

Creation's Journey to Life: Day 97: The Holy Spirit is IN Me: I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Parents IMPRESS upon children their Belief that the Holy Sp...

Saturday, February 18, 2012

2012 Debunking: 'Love Never Dies... we are all an eternal expression of love'

In a world where half the planet are starving or living on the breadline, where millions of children are tortured in the name of war and capitalism, where countless animals suffer for profit and where we turn a blind eye so that others can make money - would you say we are eternal expressions of love?

To me this is the statement of a person who clearly wants to ignore what humanity really has become - to simply slip away into your mind where you can trip on happy thoughts and ignore your reality. Our reality - what is real - what we have all created exists and ignoring it with sentimental terminology and ideas - wont change that.

The only way to bring Real Love into action is to change what we have created in this world - because as you have noticed nothing has changed. Religion and Philosophy and Love Talk - has not changed one thing. We still allow countless beings to suffer each day in the name of human self interest. Real Love is to take on the system we have created and to physically, practically change the system so that suffering no longer exists. Anything else - any sweet words that make you feel fuzzy inside but have no directive action behind it - is simply a mind fuck - a way for us humans who are addicted to our emotions and feelings - to hide and not take self responsibility for what will have to change for REAL change to occur - not the change that is written about as if writing about things can change them. We have to take the Written Word and Live it until it becomes us as a Living Manifestation of ourselves. Anything else is a drug for the mind - look for yourself - speak the words: 'Love Never Dies... we are all an eternal expression of love' - a few times and see what happens inside you. You feel more relaxed and your thoughts become calmer. You now experience a slight bit of joy and reassure as you allow yourself to be brainwashed by the emotion and feeling experience that your mind has connected to these words. That is after all the only reason why these words exist - to lull people into a feeling of hope, a calmness and worst of all - an acceptance of our world as it is - instead of an absolute standing up - for what is best for all - and to not stop until there is real change within Self and we have really changed the world situation.

Monday, February 13, 2012

The God Principle

The God Principle

Taken from:

By Bernard Poolman


Could you tell me more about God?


If there was a God, he certainly would place us in a place where we will face our truth.

That would be, he would create all as equal and one and see if all will treat each other as equal and one as God created them and thus in each a nature will develop, in a manner of speaking and so all will then return to face what they have become.

What is important: we are here and we are certainly facing ourselves and we are not accepting each other as life much less ourselves, so what point will God have but giving us the lesson of existence and that is now here, but then there is no God on the other Hand.

There is a God principle - equality and oneness as life - all is that - but all is not understanding or amalgamating as this and this principle guides all existence and is about to take the universe on a journey that will never be forgotten.

And after this, after the pain and suffering of what we have allowed ourselves to become - we will marvel and look back and understand. For now - know this - all will be equal to and one with what they have become on all levels throughout all time and the fire of life will burn till all illusion is no more.

In that we assist and that is what we found and with that realization while we were questioning existence and could not get out, this process became accelerated and heaven is in preparation to assist as this principle -the principle we may call God - yet it is more as it envelops all and is all and thus understand all and thus directs all and will not accept anything less than what each being truly is as equal and one as life.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, and have found their way out of of the depts

"The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depts. These people have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen"

These are the kind of 'beautiful' ideas we have come to accept within spirituality and metaphysics. What we are basically implying within these statements, is that all suffering is acceptable. We are saying that to be beautiful in this world is to accept that people must endure suffering and pain. Therefore suffering and pain is acceptable as it makes one beautiful. Of course the only reason why someone would want to sell you mumbo jumbo like this, is because they want to be able to continue abusing people and the planet, and they want your permission to do so. They even push to have your congratulations on being the one to harm another - to stroke their ego for being so clever at finding ways to profit from the suffering of others.

This is how far fetched our world has become that we will 'beautify' suffering by giving it some deeper meaning and we will use the beautification of suffering to make money. It must be so easy for the person who wrote this to be content with their mind fuck. I mean if you have a roof over your head, food to eat and all the privileges that an income can provides, then of course it is easy to sit back and write poetic mind garbage in which you are directly disregarding every animal, child and person who is and ever has been trapped in abusive life situations over which they had no control. You are in the Elitist position to observe their suffering and to say 'oh but this makes you beautiful'. Would you place yourselves in the shoes of those who are blown up in wars because politicians are fighting over power and resources, or raped because you were the subject of another's sick twisted mind or to be without food because the governments and capitalists play games with poverty so that they can control money? Would you still spew out such useless garbage if you were in the shoes of those who lost a child because of a drunker driver? If you have been in such situations and you spew out this mind garbage then I suggest get help, because you have deluded yourself through your coping mechanisms to bow down to the system and say 'I will do whatever you say, just don’t hurt me again'. You are not to be trusted with the safety of others such as taking care of a child or to drive a car, because you might just drive into someone just to see how beautifully they transcend their windscreen. To say someone becomes sensitive and develops an understanding - does not mean the person is living - it only means you have tuned yourself into your fear around what has happened and what could happen and now you developed an understanding of how to survive. It is the mind that makes you feel ok and justified why you should be happy in the face of abuse.

These are the only reasons we would beautify suffering as it exist in our world - we are either bored elitists with no regards for life or we are coping with our loss by making ourselves feel good about what happened to us.

Beauty, spirituality, beauty, suffering, sensitivity, knowledge, destonians, desteni 2012, eqafe


I experienced the spirit of Christmas!

I experienced the spirit of Christmas!


Why does spiritual food not stop starvation?

The argument used by most spiritualists and light workers is that we can maintain our human existence by focusing on maintaining our energy body. Therefore it is believed that we should balance our energies as well as send energy to others who are experiencing trouble and through this the being will align themselves to a higher energy state which will assist them in overcoming their earthly burdens. In essence it is to take in or align energy as sustenance to your energy body through which one will live a more fulfilling life.

Energy is in essence misunderstood. Most light workers believe that we are actually energy beings and that the physical reality is not real. They believe that we are here temporarily in the physical, but our true path if to ascend or grow spiritually. It is due to this that the belief exists that spiritual food as energy is all that humanity requires to align ourselves to the perfect outcome.

What is not understood by light workers is that the place where they participate in their idea and belief about energy happens in the mind. The mind exist as a system which tells each human according to a pre-design who you are and what to do. This happens as thoughts that come up within the being. The Mind can create any experience for the human from feelings, emotions, fears, beliefs, energy - everything necessary for us to remain within our pre-designed personalities as consciousness. So when you are feeling energy as a light worker you are merely allowing your mind to generate a physical energetic reaction to your already existent belief system. Your belief system will consist of pictures and information. The information is usually obtained either from having the original thoughts about energy/light work/spirituality after which you will go read more information or you will generate knowledge in your mind and add layers of information to it, making it true for yourself . After reading more information, you absorb the information and the mind adjusts itself to the information, after which the person experiences themselves 'becoming' the information eg opening up to the spirituality of white light abilities - but all that is happening is the mind is generating experiences to fit in with the knowledge that you want to become. So one can literally read anything and the mind will to its best ability became the information. This is all done by us in attempts at feeling good and feeling special.

In essence all white light experiences happen due to the mind generating physical reactions within the being. The white light worker/spiritualist, becomes the physical manifestation of the knowledge - but does not realize what they have done and truly (as I did) believes that they have attuned themselves to some higher spiritual purpose.

In the background you have the capitalists who will sell anything that humans want to buy. Capitalists study human behavior and the human mind and therefore researchers are used by corporations to understand what it is that people will buy based on the thinking processes and behaviors of the human. Now within our research at Desteni into the human design, we have observed that not even the researchers fully understand how consciousness was programmed. But they don’t have to, because all that is required of them is to present their findings about how humans function and how to influence the human through our thinking into buying things.

This is where in the case of the spiritualists/white light workers, you have Capitalism being the driving force behind why spirituality has become so popular. Anything that will encourage the human to buy books and products and services, will be sold. The spiritualists/white light workers believe that they are teaching people to spiritually help themselves by learning how to work with the energy body. The capitalists fund spiritualists to sell all the latest new age beliefs - not because the capitalists believe that energy will assist anyone - it is simply done fro profit.

So while we are being sold the idea that spiritual energy will save humanity, what is really happening is that a product is sold no more, no less. The capitalists who fund the latest New Age trends know that spirit energy will not save humanity. They know that capitalism and the fundamentals of capitalism is the direct cause of why we allow suffering and abuse. Yet the drive for money as greed is so absolute that all capitalists who claim to be intelligent humans, will ignore the basics facts around capitalism, and use humanities fears and hopelessness to sell more stuff. capitalism has no morality and exists simply for people to make profit. We believe due to our own brainwashing that capitalism is designed to take care of us and to make our lives fun, but observe it for yourself capitalism only functions according to competition and the generation of money by whatever means possible so that profit can be made. It has nothing to do with supporting life and most certainly capitalism as a system does not care about who gets hurt in the process. All of us who participate in capitalism and believe it to be the best thing ever, simply do so because we have stopped valuing life a long time ago and now only exist for individual self-interest.

The spiritualist/white light workers for example are merrily brainwashed by their own design to believe that they are assisting humanity, while being impulsed themselves through the capitalistic drive to do what they do and sell more stuff.

Most light workers/spiritualists eventually ironically enough become capitalists, to sell themselves to simply survive. I had realized a while back already that energy and light work is deception, but when I saw Doreen Virtue , selling the idea that archangel Michael comes down with a vacuum cleaner of light to suck out bad energy from people - that was when it finally dawned on me that the light workers have stepped over the line from 'finding ways to support people' to 'just sell anything'. This is what everybody is doing within the current Capitalist System, based on the desperation to survive.

If money was not the driving force behind what the light workers do, then 70% of the techniques they have developed in the past 20 years would not exist. This also goes for 70% of all products that currently exist. As the consumers we allow ourselves to be directed by our fears our hopes, our desires. Therefore firstly the key to changing how we created Capitalism is to change how we have participated in it. Once Capitalism is changed to a system that supports all life, then you will see things like light workers wont exist - because then we will get down the core of all human issues and direct them effectively. If one observes the Desteni I Process for example - it is to teach each person the tools necessary to effectively direct their minds as themselves, once and for all. Once you have mastered a course, you will be directly aware of what you allow and how you allow it - this places self responsibility to change back with the being in full awareness of themselves. Within this, one is able to change because you understand how to change and why you are changing. In this the person becomes stable and effective within their lives and the being uses daily tools through which they maintain their stability such as breathing, self honesty, self forgiveness and self correction - until the change has become you after which you will live it as yourself. With the Desteni I Process, the courses are designed to get to the base design of each pattern we exist within and no part of the design is described away to energy or cosmic forces you have no control over. We show each person how they designed their mind systems and how to stop the mind systems. Also no alternative dependency is created on balancing energies or fueling further mind patterns, because the person is shown effective livable tools that become you in self honesty and breathing each day. Breathing is not a special trick - breathing is just that a physical function. Self Honesty is not a magic trick - it becomes you in every living moment as who you are as what is best for all (which is what is best for you). Self Forgiveness is not a magic trick, it is simply you taking self responsibility for your thoughts and deeds and letting go that which does not serve you. Thus - we are always faced only with who we really are in every moment. Who we really are is also not some magical energy being, but a physical being responsible for what you say and do.

So all in all getting to grips with oneself within the Desteni I Process is not a magic trick hidden In layers of mysticism - it is about self empowerment through getting to know how you have designed yourself - then to de-program your design an re program yourself into an effective person. The responsibility of each that participate - is to create themselves into a functional self supportive being. This in itself puts an end to all remedies and energy balancing techniques and esoteric concepts of light and love - because you change you and live the change once and for all.

The Desteni I process is for self willed individuals. Once you join you will be supported by the material and your Buddies, within the process of learning how to effectively support yourself. Realize however that changing is up to you, and completing the lesson material is up to you. Completing the lesson material is the only way to learn the tools to support yourself, because nobody is going to change you for you. The fun part of it is that you know you did the work and you changed yourself as a self willed individual. This is where real change and real freedom begins.

White light, masters, ascension, spirituality, osho, law of attraction, astral, energy, channel, spirit, guide, feel good, what is life, what is love, desteni 2012, destonian, eqafe
